Assalamualaikum and good morning everybodyy!
Whats up?No,its whats up with me not blogging for so so long..?One word : LAZY.
Hmm,I'll only update this blog when its holiday(like now) and at late night/morning (like now too) and its like 5:46AM now.So yeah.This blog is like my get-away place when Im really really dead boring and I don't know what to do yet I don't want to sleep.Sorry blog.Hehe.
Moving along,
How's life? Hmm,as always like a roller coaster.Ups and Downs.
Before that,
I've moved school.Something that I din't really expect will happen,even though I really wanted it to happen(if you read my older post you'll know about this).Its not that I din't expect it to happen,its just that I've lost hope on it cause this happen on September.Its already half of the year and I expect those kind of things to happen where I know those things only happens early of the year.Wait.Are you lost?Im talking about the letter offer of moving school.So,are you back into track?Ok.You know whats the schoking part? I have only less than a week to settle everything -schools,friends,buying stuff. Can you imagine how I had to rush everythings up? And lucky I did. Whats the sad and yet sweetest part is my classmates made a surprise and a video for me at school and my best friends surprise by coming over to my house(where they never did cause I never invite them,yes Im so mean) and bring me to hotel and dinner! And they sing,bought cake and make something like a portfolio about my friendship with them,Urghh just too sweet! And yeah they even printed alot of my pics with them for me to hang in my new school which I did but only in my locker.
Hm,I was really having a hard time that time,in between wanting to move or not.Cause the new school learnt so much and Im way left behind and all,can I even survive there?And Alhamdulillah I did.The first few weeks I admit it was really hard for me to make myself comfortable cause its just so different there,I just miss my friends back in my old school.Things just doesnt goes the same anymore.And I admit yes I cried.A few times.Lol.Thats normal right?And guess what my friends surprise me again by visiting me!They planned the whole thing,thank you to every each of them.I love them so much!After that,my days went well,and I had great time with them.And most importantly my result is better for some subjects,just that I fail add maths again.But I improved a lot,a little bit more to pass.So Im actually proud.Others subject too where I never pass in my whole life(ok maybe not my whole life,just this year) and I pass! With good result.Im really thankful with that.REALLY.Can't say how happy am I.hehehe.
Woah,thats a long explanation.I really do miss my friends ey?wait,I DO.
And now is the holidays,where so much things had happen.Good and Bad,ofcourse.
So Im only staying at home,oh yeah I went to KK last week.Nothing much.Hm,did I mention I have tons of homeworks to be done?Almost every subject! EVERY SUBJECT I TELL YOU.And I only started doing it,its like 1/10 finish.Oh,Im so dead.I only got 3 weeks to finish them all up,cause I'll be having family vacation after this.Im sure I can finish it,right?Chaiyo!
Oh yeah,I barely speak english and chinese in my new school.Uhh,I hope I won't suck in those language.Wait,Im already suck at chinese.Oh well.Haha!
This is a really long post ey?Nvm,its a replacement for not updating for a very loooong time.
And I really need to stop thinking negative thoughts,What I think is really NOT what I think it is.I just need to stop taking things seriously sometime.Ignore the world,just don't give a damn.Its my own fault also those things happen right?So its like i deserved it.I need to change,but yet again its hard..Trust don't just come back that easily right?Like Lady Gaga and Beyonce says Trust is like a mirror..I just hope that everything is going to be fine in the end and all I need to do is stop being so emotional.Oh,and one more thing,I love my parents no matter what,they are the reason why Im here.A friendly reminder to all and myself,I really need to remind that to myself everytime.Its just one thing I need to achieve,to make my parents proud of me.Thats all,I know I've been making alot of mistakes all this time but that doesnt mean I can't make them proud right?I need to work my ass of,as in really!
Time has pass so fast,its December 2012 already and I'll be a senior next year!Ohmy.
No,I still can't believe that.I need to enjoy every second of it and make a memory of it.And before I start this post I was wasting my time by looking at photos that I've been tagged on my facebook until the last piece of it on my new fb not my old fb,oh yeah thats also my reason why I don't want to delet the old fb.I wanna see the old pics of me.Oh anyway,I've been through so much mostly bomba and with my friends,plus when Im still in primary school.I just can't believe those thing are over now,its just something to be remembered.Thats just sad,don't cha think?
How I wish I can change back into time and watch myself again in live,being there watching myself going through everything.Do you get what I mean?I just miss everything! Im those kind who remembered things where people don't even remember them anymore,well obviously because its something a part of my life and I miss every each of it.Maybe I just need to accept the fact that Im old and I need to move on with my life..
Ok,the sun is already up and I can see them through my curtains,and I haven't sleep.Urgh,who care about sleeping when you should be enjoying every second of your life?This kind of time doesn't come always!You know.What time?Time that ME UPDATING MY BLOG.Haha!Oh yeah,Im on pms now so I hope I don't bother you with my crap and all,haha cause Im bored!
Until the next holiday if Im not lazy enough to update again,Assalamualaikum!
And its 6:28AM now..great.